Georgia Academy of General Dentistry Welcomes Students and Residents
The future of dentistry is continually evolving with boundless opportunities for your new career! Georgia Academy of General Dentistry provides a lifelong learning experience to serve you and your patients with ongoing education in advanced dental topics and technology.
GAGD is a constituent of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). The AGD works diligently to support students and residents with tools and information to help you manage student debt or get discounts on membership fees and affiliate services. Visit

Georgia Academy of General Dentistry Membership is Your Partner in Practice
As you launch your practice, the affordable education resources and fellowship that you will experience with our members and leadership can help you on a path to success and continued growth.
Our early career members often comment on how much they appreciate the mentorship and colleague support they receive at GAGD education events. At these gatherings, they form relationships with like-minded dental professionals that have an invaluable impact on their practice.
GAGD and AGD advocacy initiatives are a constant representation of the voices of the dentists they serve. As we experienced with COVID-19, sometimes issues occur overnight and change often. AGD and GAGD stay in touch with membership to make sure they have the latest information and tools they need to navigate public health, clinical, financial, and legislative topics related to dentistry.
GAGD MasterTrack
Our renowned Georgia MasterTrack is a 5-year advanced learning continuum that provides over 500 hours of education in multiple disciplines of general dentistry, including dental implants, prosthetics and endodontics. A number of early career dentists have completed MasterTrack to broaden their knowledge and skills to add depth to their procedure mix and address the ever-changing needs of their patients.
Have questions about joining the Georgia Academy of General Dentistry? Send us an email or text and we will gladly reach out to learn more about your goals. (404) 981-1477